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UK Shopping Network Reviews, Vouchers & Discounts

Privacy Policy: UKShoppingNetwork is against spam and every precaution is taken to ensure that the email addresses we receive are held in a secure location. Email addresses held on the UKShoppingNetwork mailing list are not passed to any third party and is only used by UKShoppingNetwork and its parent company Internet Heaven to send our subscribers information that they have requested. UKShoppingNetwork collects email addresses through its �opt-in� subscription pages. This means that only actual persons who visit the UKShoppingNetwork web site and who subsequently fill in the subscription form are added to our mailing list database. UKShoppingNetwork does not engage in web 'crawling' to retrieve email addresses at random from the web. Although we stress that the users must sign up themselves, UKShoppingNetwork cannot tell if the person submitting the email address is actually the owner of that email address. An unsubscribe note is placed at the bottom of every email and on the subscription/opt-in page so that those who feel they have been added in error may ask for immediate removal.

UKShoppingNetwork only holds email addresses and names of subscribers to our mailing list. We do not hold postal addresses, credit card details or dates of birth and subscribers should not submit these when signing up. UKShoppingNetwork Opt-in mailings are only available from the UKShoppingNetwork web site and users should not sign up for our mailing list at any other site.

In regards to the reviews submitted to UKShoppingNetwork for inclusion on the review pages of particular companies, web sites, products and/or services we reserve the right to refuse any submission sent to us for whatever reason we see fit. Reviews submitted by the public are accepted on the grounds that they are the submitting individual's own words and opinions. Reviews, once submitted, become the property of UKShoppingNetwork to use as we see fit to enhance, promote and develop our company and its services.

Disclaimer: UKShoppingNetwork disclaims all responsibility or liability for the content, reliability, operation or availability of the web sites linked to by our review and search engine listing pages. Although every attempt is made to ensure accurate descriptions of the companies listed in the reviews section of our web site changes are sometimes made to the linked to company web site without our knowledge and it may take 30-60 days for us to edit the description of a company web site in such cases. We claim no responsibility of liability for descriptions which the user may find misleading or similar to another company operating in the UK, US, Canada or Europe. It is the users responsibility to ensure that they have reached the web site they were searching for. UKShoppingNetwork cannot be held responsible for illegal activities, false statements, non-delivery of goods, credit card fraud, non-adherence to the Data Protection Act 1998, viruses, offensive content or any service or product provided by the company linked to. UKShoppingNetwork acts as a simple review and search facility and is in no way affiliated or has knowledge of the workings and policies of the linked to web sites. UKShoppingNetwork cannot be held responsible or liable for the web site not being available or in working order at any time. As this is a service is provided free of charge to the public no claims for damages can be pursued.

All the reviews in the reviews section have been placed there with the permission of the owner of that particular web site either directly from their Director/Board of Directors or through official third party advertising firms working on their behalf. If your site is listed in the search engine results section and you do not wish it to appear in our search results then please contact us and we will provide you with the contact details of the company that have provided us with a link to your site on your behalf. has purchased the following domains to ensure that you are able to reach us:

All of which point directly back to this web site. So, if you can't remember the name exactly we've got you covered. If you have any questions regarding our web site or about our practices please use the Contact Form available on this site.

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